Bonjour à tous! Myself Lakshita Mohanty, a second year undergraduate student here at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. My interests include buying endless number of books and not reading them timely. I like to draw and cook occasionally.
I am currently working on relaxing and not stressing out about “not stressing out about academics” My goal for this summer is to finish the pile of books that I’ve created.
Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
2019 - Present
AISSCE, MM Public School Pitampura, Delhi
Matriculation, SDVM Panipat, Haryana
Science and Technology Council’s Summer Project 2020 under Brain and Cognitive Society, IIT Kanpur.
The project aims to detect 7 human emotions (6 universal +1 neutral) using Convolutional Neural Networks. Emotion recognition is performed on images, videos and live feeds as well.
A React native app that allows the user to search for recipes using EDAMAM’s API
A React native application that allows users to add, check off and delete items on a to do list.
An OpenCV application using python that can track an object’s movement, using which a user can draw on the screen by moving the object around.